The Congress will not be held in 2022 in Valencia
V конгресс по логотерапии, Валенсия, Испания, 2020


Мировой конгресс по логотерапии и экзистенциальному анализу

9-12 сентября 2020 г., Валенсия, Испания
Организаторы: Ассоциация Виктора Франкла в Валенсии, Испанская ассоциация логотерапии , Московский институт психоанализа и Институт Виктора Франкла в Вене



Vienna & Valencia, the 19th of April 2020

Dear friends, dear colleagues,

during the last weeks many of you have asked if the 5th World Congress on Logotherapy (The Future of Logotherapy) will take place as planned.
And some of those who have faithfully attended every congress since the first Vienna congress in 2012 have told us that given the uncertain Covid-19 situation and speculations about a possible 2nd wave later this year they will not to attend this year.

We fully understand that organizing your trip to Valencia is indeed hampered by a considerable planning uncertainty, given that the situation is and continues to be very dynamic and might ask for (often costly) last minute changes. Against this background, we – the Congress organizing committee – looked for alternatives.

One obvious alternative would have been to move the congress online. However, as most of those who attended our earlier congresses will attest, our congresses are not mere occasions of information exchange, but rather are reunions of old and new friends from around the world.
In other words – much if not most of what makes these congresses valuable and memorable experiences is what happens before, between, and after the lectures and seminars. An online congress would thus have been a weak – too weak in our opinion – substitute for what constitutes a real logotherapy congress: Relishing each other's company.

After much thought and soul-searching, the organizing committee therefore decided to postpone this year's congress in Valencia.
As our International Frankl Congresses always take place in even years (2012, 2014, 2016, 2018), whereas the US-Institute's Congresses in Dallas traditionally take place in uneven years, we currently think that it would be best to plan for a two year delay (again, in beautiful Valencia).

We hope for your understanding - this was not an easy decision. Until this week, we had hoped to organise another wonderful world congress for you. However, in view of the current crisis and its probable after-effects, cancelling this year's congress seems to us to be the only responsible and sensible decision in difficult times.

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Alexander Batthyány, José Luis Guinot and Mª Ángeles Noblejas